Xu-Cheng He, PhD


2018 - 2021, PhD in Atmospheric Sciences (Distinction), University of Helsinki

- Advisors: Prof. Markku Kulmala, Prof. Jasper Kirkby, Prof. Mikko Sipilä, Prof. Matti Rissanen, Prof. Theo Kurtén

2015 - 2017, MSc in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Helsinki

- Advisors: Prof. Mikko Sipilä, Prof. Matti Rissanen

2011 - 2015, BSc in Atmospheric Sciences, Yunnan University

- Advisor: Dr. Di Zhao
Find me on: Twitter, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, WebofScience


2023.01 - present, visiting researcher at University of Cambridge (simulation of aerosols)
2017.09 - present, run coordinator for marine particle formation studies at the CLOUD project at CERN and University of Helsinki (3 mos. per year)
2022.03 - 2022.12, visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University and Finnish Meteorological Institute (global model training)
2020.09 - 2021.08, visiting researcher at Nanjing University and Beijing University of Chemical Technology (operation of urban observatory)
2020.02 - 2020.03, visiting researcher at Spanish National Research Council (iodine chemistry)
2016.06 - 2017.12, research assistant at University of Helsinki


2023, Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists (ACCESS XVII) participant
2022, Extraordinary Potential Prize of 2021 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (20 recipients globally, 10,000 $)
2022, Dissertation prize, all faculties (4/500), University of Helsinki (4,000 €)
2022, NOSA ECS Aerosologist award (Early Career Scientist), Nordic Society of Aerosol Research
2021, Outstanding thesis award, Doctoral School of Natural Sciences, University of Helsinki (2,000 €)
2015, International student grant, University of Helsinki (1,500 €)
2015, Best thesis award (1/43), Yunnan University
2012, Campus star in science and innovation (10/4000), Yunnan University


2022-2025, post-doctoral researcher fellowship, Research Council of Finland (364,377 €)
2022, post-doctoral researcher grant, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation (56,000 €)
2018-2021, Doctoral school fellowship, University of Helsinki (ca. 108,000 €)


2023-present, co-chair, “Formation and impacts of atmospheric aerosols and cloud condensation nuclei” session at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
2020-present, reviewer for One Earth, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, Environmental Science & Technology Letters and Environmental Science & Technology


Course Assistance

2018. Course assistant for formation and growth of atmospheric aerosols
2019. Course assistant for the 3rd course on climate science at high latitudes: eScience for linking Arctic measurements and modeling in Abisko



Ying Zhang(2018.09-2022.05), graduated MSc student at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Thesis title: Contribution of inorganic acids containing oxygen in gas-particle process to particle number concentration in urban Beijing


Selected Invited Talks

2024.05. Invited seminar, New Insights of Marine Secondary Aerosol Formation Processes, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany
2024.04. Invited seminar, Iodine and sulfur oxoacids as the key driving marine and polar secondary aerosol formation, SOLAS open seminar series
2024.03. Invited seminar, University of Cambridge, UK
2024.01. Invited seminar, University of Birmingham, UK
2022.08. Invited speaker, Measurement of Nucleating Clusters at the CLOUD Chamber, Gordon Research Conference, Italy
2022.05. Iodine oxoacids: overlooked players in atmospheric aerosol formation. Carnegie Mellon University, US
2021.01. Role of iodine in the atmosphere. Nanjing University, China

Conference and workshop participation

American Meteorological Society annual meeting (session co-chair, 2023, 2024)
Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists (Invited, 2023)
Gordon Research Conference - Atmospheric Chemistry (Poster, 2022)
European Geosciences Union General Assembly (Talk, 2020, 2021)
International Aerosol Conference (Talk, 2023; Poster, 2017)
European Aerosol Conference (Talk, 2022; Poster, 2019)
International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols (Talk, 2023; Poster, 2017)
International Conference on Aerosol Cycle (Talk, 2017)
Free Radical Symposium (Poster, 2017)
Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (Poster, 2019)
Cryosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry (Poster, 2017)


Social media outreach

Ca. 2016 - present. Science & society Q&A website (Zhihu.com, in Chinese) content provider (currently anonymous). 800 followers.